Whisper Walk: A Story Told Afoot

Next showing 14:00, Today at Watch from Home, Adelaide

A conceptual piece of moving, living, documentary-style testimonial art that explores the power of privately uttered, deeply personal stories, and considers the notion that memory is tied to place. In the same locations across time - the piece will “whisper” in the ears of the audience members as they move through the guided walk of the CBD. Perhaps the audience member will share a memory of their own.

★★★★ “We are reminded of the importance of human connection, and the way places can trigger our memories. We are reminded to treasure those special moments that happen through life, and to never discount the impact a seemingly simple event may have on our lives. The voice actors tell their stories with all the heart, humour and drama that is needed to make an impact.” – Glam Adelaide

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Watch from Home
6-22 Mar
Tickets: $23.00