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Next showing 19:30, Thu 13 Mar 2025 at The Lost Dice, Adelaide

Are we living in a simulation controlled by an algorithm?

Why is social media telling us we are in ‘The main character story’?

Why is your phone asking, ‘How do you feel today?’

Why does life feel like a video game RPG?

At what age did you click on terms & conditions?

Ash* is completing his PhD on how Gen Z is going to rule the metaverse. Just one problem – the conclusion of the thesis scares the sh*t out of him – and you can’t criticize the machine. So here we are, doing theatre!

You're invited to an experimental lecture where ideas will be presented, discussed, and critical thinking will be had with a beer in hand.

Like Black Mirror and Adam Curtis, expect dark humour with citations, and a rum and coke – sign up now!

*To stay anonymous from AI, names have been changed.


Show and Drink Offer: Pre buy your drinks (pre buy slightly cheaper than standard bar prices) and show your ticket at the bar to get your drink - this ticket can be redeemed from a selection of Alcoholic Beers and Wines and soft drinks / non alcoholic drinks.

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The Lost Dice
13-14 Mar
15-16 Mar
Tickets: $25.00