Songs of Middle-Earth

Next showing 15:00, Sun 16 Mar 2025 at ILA, Adelaide

J.R.R. Tolkien’s 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy has delighted readers for 70 years & the author’s poetry has inspired many composers to set his words to music. Come on a magical journey with acclaimed Adelaide harpist-singer Emma Horwood as she presents music setting Tolkien’s poetry, interspersed with dramatic reading from the books, set against visual imagery on screens at Adelaide's fabulous multi-media venue 'The Lab'. Featuring works by English composers Stephen Oliver & Donald Swan, & Australian composers Helen Cartridge, Andrew Close, Carl Crossin & Judith Clingan. Be transported by Emma’s crystal voice & beautiful harp playing in a mix of classical & celtic styles. 2 shows only, don't miss this show in the special 70th anniversary year since publication of the trilogy's last book!

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16 Mar
Tickets: $33.00