Robyn Reynolds: What Doesn't Kill You

Next showing 20:15, Today at Rhino Room, Adelaide

Do you have Daddy issues? Mummy issues? Any issues at all?
You’ll LOVE this show.
For the next hour, award-winning comedian Robyn Reynolds, is your best friend. And, you’re about to find out all of her most embarrassing moments.
Plunge into a world of dysfunctional parents, chronic illness, and people pleasing.
Don’t miss this heartfelt, hilarious hour of comedy.
Musical comedy lovers will delight in 'Mummy Issues' before rocking out to ‘Girls Don’t Poop’.
What doesn’t kill you, makes you really f**king funny.

"This laugh-out-loud, surprisingly vulnerable and empowering solo show cements Reynolds as one to watch" TimeOut
“Clearly talented in the structure and timing of comedy” Theatre Travelsā£

Music composition and recording by Nick Harriot

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Rhino Room
6-9 Mar
Tickets: $27.00