
Next showing 17:00, Today at The Queens Theatre, Adelaide

A whimsical journey unveiling the palpable moments before the curtain rises and the performance begins. This immersive contemporary dance work disrupts the theatrical norms, allowing spectators a glimpse backstage into the intricate tapestry of a private moment, amplifying the seemingly mundane. 'Overture' pulls back the curtain, inviting us to see the art before the art - an exquisite portrayal of the lives, dreams, torments of all those involved in the creation of a show. 

What defines performance - Is it merely the audience's presence, or could it encompass the moments before and after ‘the show’? Perhaps life itself could be considered a perpetual performance, blurring the lines of identity and reality. An overture where the first note is the final...how do we define beginning and end?

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The Queens Theatre
6, 8 Mar
7 Mar
Tickets: $52.00