On Monday, 21st August 2023, Maybelline was liberated from a 5 year long-term relationship.
In the 132 days that followed, Maybelline Slept with 23 Men, Consumed 3 Plan B’s, had her Heart Broken by a J-Named Man (a canon event), Took a Midnight Train, and Kissed a Girl.
If you deduct the days of menstruation and only count the 96 active (As per data collected by her period tracking app ‘Flo’), or for lack of a better word, "f**kable" days where Maybelline could sleep with someone; Then everyday there was a 51% chance of sex, with a 47.9% chance of sleeping with someone new.
Statistics show that Maybelline is a Slut.
And Slut Era is a raunchy comedy cabaret (based on a true story) about those "f**kable" days.
Mentored by Michelle Brasier
Developed and Supported by Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Times: |
18-23 Mar
Tickets: | $33.00 - $36.00 |