Lena Moon - Rube Goldberg Machine

Next showing 20:15, Today at Rhino Room, Adelaide

A Rube Goldberg Machine is a machine created with the intent of making simple tasks harder.  Lena Moon is one of those, despite her best efforts.

Come spend an hour with Lena in her solo comedy show debut as she packs her colourful life stories full of jokes and explores humanity's - and her own - ability to make simple things harder for themselves. 

If you don't know Lena from her sketch duo Annie and Lena, streaming on Twitch, or her work in TV (Thank God You're Here, Aunty Donna's Coffee Cafe/ Most Upsetting Guessing Game) consider this show the most articulate and hour-long introduction she can make to you. 


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Rhino Room
12-15 Mar
Tickets: $30.00