Lawrence Mooney - Dead Set Country

Next showing 21:15, Today at The Garden of Unearthly Del..., Adelaide

Mooney’s gone country. Deep country. Dead Set Country. He likes the word country because it’s got a rude word in it if you EMPHasise it properly. 

Dead Set Country is a new hour of stand-up that’s all about a city boy gone bush.  Roughed up by locals, mourning dead wombats, talking with horses and having an abiding affair with a tractor - in short Mooney is Dead Set Country. Following on from the acclaim for his past three shows Beauty, Embracing Your Limitations and Pigeonhole he’s back with Dead Set Country. This time he’s covered in dust, speaking slower and line dancing.   

It’s Clarkson’s Farm meets Lawrence Mooney’s head on collision with country Australia. “You’re not from round here are ya mister?”

“Australia’s Greatest Comedian … a sheer comic genius!” Glam Adelaide ★★★★★

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The Garden of Unearthly Delights
6-22 Mar, not 9, 12, 16, 19
9, 16, 23 Mar
Tickets: $42.00 - $52.00