Form & Flow

Next showing 19:00, Today at The Parks Theatres, Adelaide

This captivating performance dives into the migrant experience through the intersection of two contrasting dance styles: popping and contemporary. This dynamic fusion creates a vivid emotional journey, inviting audiences to connect with the dancers and the universal story of adaptation and survival.

The sharp precision of popping and the gracefulness of contemporary dance embodies the tension between the rigid boundaries of society and the fluidity of human identity, while a movable wooden structure symbolises the ever-changing social landscape migrants navigate. As the two styles converge, they give rise to a unique language of movement that transcends borders, celebrating diversity, resilience, and the beauty of shared humanity. Form & Flow challenges us to reflect on the power of connection and empathy in a divided world.

Collaborating Performers:
Em Yali, Natalia Machado, Gabi Quinsacara, Ko Yamada, Zain El-Roubaei

Choreographic Director:
Daniela Zambrano

Jairo Bonilla

Lighting Design:
Giovanna Yate

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The Parks Theatres
6-8 Mar
Tickets: $33.00