Floopy's Fuzzled Feelings

Next showing 11:30, Tue 18 Mar 2025 at Goodwood Theatre and Studios, Adelaide

Floopy is a frazzled little monster with big emotions!

Like most little monsters, he's sometimes fueled by fantastic feels and other times flooded with frenzies of fiery frustration! Floopy is confused… He’s been told he has big feelings, but he can’t see them anywhere? 

In an interactive, hilarious, multi-sensory journey, audiences will help Floopy to unfuzzle himself, and learn age-appropriate ways of discussing big feelings with little people, discovering all kinds of practical strategies to help recognise and manage them.

★★★★★ "A hugely needed must see. Learning about feelings is important for everyone, especially parents!" - Alice Springs Parent 

Directed by Jac Marriott, Co-Written by Jasmine Story and Lili Favrel

Performance and workshop incursions available for schools upon request. Contact Schools Program Coordinator at schools@adelaidefringe.com.au.

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Goodwood Theatre and Studios
18-21 Mar
22-23 Mar
10:00, 14:00
Tickets: $23.00