Death of the Human Resource

Next showing 19:30, Wed 19 Mar 2025 at Goodwood Theatre and Studios, Adelaide

The HR Department has been murdered. Or at least, that's what we think happened. We're not sure, as no one's found the body yet...

Sergeant Melpo and his easily distracted sidekick Officer Thalia, are on the case. But all they have is a hunch, a series of unreliable witnesses, and a lie detector kit that thinks it knows best. 

'Death of the Human Resource' is a hilarious and award-winning murder-mystery play brought to you by the team that watched "Knives Out" in cinemas and read a few Agatha Christie novels in high school. It's fun, fast-paced, and will keep you guessing right up to the final moments. It's set in a workplace, so bring your work buddies. Hopefully this side-splitting play will inspire you not to kill your HR rep. Or at least, to hide the body properly.

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Goodwood Theatre and Studios
19-23 Mar, not 20
20 Mar
Tickets: $18.00 - $28.00