CANCELLED - The Dark Side of the Moon: Full Dome Experience

Next showing 20:30, Today at Dom Polski Centre, Adelaide

Pink Floyd’s iconic album ‘The Dark Side Of The Moon’, originally released in March 1973, turns 50, and what more fitting a place to celebrate it and experience it than in a immersive fulldome experience that sets 10 tracks from The Dark Side of the Moon to mesmeric 360° visuals.

The show combines breath-taking views of the solar system and beyond from Pink Floyd’s long time creative collaborator Aubrey Powell. Get set for an all-encompassing surround sound and visual treat that will transcend reality and take you way beyond to The Great Gig in the Sky. 

★★★★★ "a fitting celebration of this iconic album, that will have you marvelling at space exploration, travel and science" The Edinburgh Reporter

"I loved every minute" The Scottish Sun

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Dom Polski Centre
6, 8, 9, 10, 15, 19, 22 Mar
7, 12, 14, 16, 21, 23 Mar
14:00, 20:30
13, 17, 20 Mar
17:30, 20:30
Tickets: $25.00