
Next showing 12:00, Sat 15 Mar 2025 at Adelaide Potters Gallery, Adelaide

The Adelaide Potters' Club Fringe Pugmill Award Exhibition Title 'Anarchy' is in response to the Unley Council's decision to evict us from 84 Edmund Ave, Unley, where we have been for 24 years. We are proud to be the Oldest Pottery Club in Australia. We have been operating for 75 years, 68 of them in Unley. We are devastated with the council's decision. The members will be addressing the title and the energy from their disappointment will go into the work and it will be amazing to see.

At the Opening there will be a Bowlathon. Buy a bowl, and get ice-cream. 

There will be a variety of methods and techniques members will use in making their pieces and will use a number of different glazes in finishing the work. 

The Exhibition will be spectacular and a must see show.

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Adelaide Potters Gallery
15, 16, 22, 23 Mar
Tickets: $0.00