Adelaide Fringe: A History

Next showing 17:30, Today at Government House Gates, Adelaide

How did Adelaide Fringe start? Why are the posters so popular? This FRINGE WEEKLY AWARD WINNER 2022 is back to share the festival's story, a one-hour walking tour detailing the Fringe's growth from festival outsider to the major event it is today. With the chance to share your favourite festival memories along the way, this is the perfect start to your night of Fringe activities.

Your guide Katina, owner of Flamboyance Tours, is a local who previously volunteered and worked for Adelaide Fringe.

This walking tour starts and ends at different points:

Start: Government House gates, North Terrace

Finish: Garden of Unearthly Delights, East Terrace

★★★★★ "An incredible dedication to the history and bringing you on the journey" HUB

"A wealth of new information and great stories" Stage Whispers

Private school bookings available upon request - please contact Schools Program Coordinator at

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Government House Gates
6, 14 Mar
Tickets: $25.00