A Kilted Queer

Next showing 20:30, Today at Makan Wine Bar, Adelaide

They're camp!  They're smutty!
And they're outrageously quirky!

Witness the Rise and Fall of your Average Autistic Caledonian Poof
This is Scottish comedic storytelling, as we journey with Marc Isaac navigating the spectrum, through childhood & then medical school and ending up queer and autistic working in palliative care and mental health. Was Marc dropped as a kid? No. He was pushed!

What does it mean to get a diagnosis? How can understanding ourselves help us deal with neurodivergent challenges?  Come explore queer neurodivergence from medical, queer, and manifestly autistic perspectives, maintaining the cynicism of a perpetual skeptic and the hopefulness of a naïve optimist.

"Laughter is the best medicine, and this cheeky doctor is putting themselves out business!" Brad Oakes, comedian

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Makan Wine Bar
12-15 Mar
Tickets: $18.00