Gareth and Shane used to be pirates, but they’ve suddenly found themselves ashore having to assimilate. An extended metaphor for trying to find your place in a world in which you don’t quite fit, this absurd comedy from Australia has good intentions that don’t manage to land.
It’s never clear how the lads ended up wherever they’re hiding out, but without the ability to rob and pillage they need to earn some cash. As they try increasingly harebrained schemes, they find their piratical honour code isn’t particularly compatible with the status quo. Their two different approaches leads to some tension, but this is cut short in favour of a more sentimental ending.
The premise is an interesting one to explore, but the script is convoluted and the jokes largely unfunny. The exposition rambles on without focus for far too long. There are a few gems, though. Gareth and Shane’s frustration with the word "pirate" not being applied to actual pirates—like people who download films illegally—in contemporary society makes for a witty moment. The actor playing Gareth is the stronger of the two, though the script gives him more to work with. Shane has a few songs that help elucidate his emotional life, though his these aren’t used as fully as they could be.
It may come down to cultural differences, but these pirates, who work hard for the laughs, just don’t receive them. More clarity in the storyline and exposition would go a long way to resolving the show's issues.