Fest Best: Award-winners

Marcus Kernohan looks at three award-winning shows arriving in Edinburgh and looking for more

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Published 04 Aug 2011

Free Time Radical

PLEASANCE COURTYARD, 3-28 AUG (NOT 9, 16, 23), 1.10PM, £5-£12

Two men sequester themselves in their flat as a tsunami of Biblical proportions ravages the world outside in The Frequency D'Ici's new play. With Free Time Radical, the 2008 Fringe First winners (for Paperweight) present a terrifyingly literal interpretation of what happens to the human mind when reality is battering at the psychological walls we build to keep it out.



ZOO ROXY, 5-29 AUG (NOT 15, 22), 3.30PM, £8-£10

Award-winning playwright Jonathan Lichtenstein confronts the spectre of religious fundamentalism in his new play, exploring the perils of affording religious leaders god-given moral authority and how such dubious leadership affects one particular family. Lichtenstein is also a previous Fringe First winner, for The Pull of Negative Gravity way back in 2004.


Ovid's Metamorphoses

PLEASANCE DOME, 19-29 AUG, 12.15PM, £8.50-£11

Ovid's epic poem takes on a very different aspect in the second coming of Pants on Fire's 2010 Carol Tambor Best of Edinburgh award-winning show, which sees the Latin poet's adaptation of Greek mythology transplanted to Second World War-era Britain.