Dr Carnesky's Incredible Bleeding Woman

A celebration and reclamation of menstruation and womanhood

theatre review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 06 Aug 2017
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39658 original

Dr Carnesky first tells us she is a real doctor and that her show is genuine research. That out of the way, she launches into a performative lecture on the cultural history of menstruation. Focusing on ritual, synchronicity and how society regards menstruation, she then goes onto her practical research. 

On every dark moon for three months, a group of female-identifying performance artists heads to Southend-on-Sea to develop new menstrual rituals, performed here as variety acts. These are immensely personal, and as individual as the participants. Circus, physical theatre and performance art are some of the influences, and each act shows care and skill. They are the Menstruants, and they complete the sideshow/cabaret/celebration of womanhood that is Dr Carnesky's Incredible Bleeding Woman

Though her research is academic, Dr Carnesky has created colloquial, engaging interludes between the acts. She particularly looks at myth and symbolism in classical art – death and rebirth, shedding of skin and sisterhood. Her tone is gentle and matter-of-fact; the content may be revolutionary but her delivery is warm and supportive.

This is a show that has the potential to come across as angry or anti-men, but it is relaxed and inclusive. It is a divine honouring of feminine mystery and a reclamation of a bodily function that has often been declared as dirty, base and disgusting. This unashamed, radical showcase of some excellent artists and their experiences as women is thought-provoking and a privilege to watch.