Musical Picks

The festivals are bursting with musicals, operas and special concerts – we've picked out a handful of gems from this year's programmes

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Published 14 Jul 2018

The Beggar's Opera

It doesn't quite have the tuneful razmatazz of the EIF's flagship production of Rossinni's La Cenerentola, but in some ways John Gay's Georgian work is a more interesting affair. Full of dark, mournful, scathing ballads, this production of The Beggar's Opera is particularly interesting for its period orchestration, throwing into relief the thoroughly modern themes.

King's Theatre, 16–19 Aug, times vary

Jan Tait and the Bear

Part of the Made in Scotland Showcase (celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, FYI), this is a new opera from Scottish/Canadian composer Emily Doolitte. It's a funny, folklore-infused tale of a Shetlander transported to Norway, and is absolutely not stuffy opera. For ages 8 and above.

Summerhall, 8–16 Aug, not 10, 11, 12, times vary

Thor and Loki

Ring Cycle, move over, there's a new musical extravaganza about Norse gods in town. Except this one is only 75 minutes long, is a comedy, and features a chorus of tap-dancing trolls. A must for Wagner afficionados, and everyone else besides. 

Assembly Roxy, 1-26 Aug, not 13, 7:15pm

Pussy Riot: Riot Days

You don't need us to tell you that this will be an unforgettable gig. Some things you might not know: it's based on the book about what happened to the irreverent Russian punk collective after they displeased Vladimir Putin with a protest concert in a cathedral in 2012; and as such, though it's listed in the music programme, Pussy Riot themselves consider this show a work of theatre. Buckle up.

Summerhall, 10-19 Aug, 7pm