A Mountain for Elodie
Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 4-27 Aug, 8pm
The new 75-minute solo musical from internationally renowned songwriter Benjamin Scheuer centres around the birth of his daughter Elodie and the heartbreaking realisation that he may not have found closure with his own long-dead father.
St Vincent’s, 14 & 15 Aug, times vary
Modern Studies frontwoman Emily Scott performs her stunning new record Leave No Shadow, accompanied by a string orchestra and band. With support from special guests LT Leif (14 Aug, 7.30pm), Faith Elliot (15 Aug, 1pm) and C Duncan (15 Aug, 7.30pm).
Nothing Ever Happens Here
Summerhall, 4-27 Aug, times vary
Summerhall's year-round music programme shines bright during the Fringe, with an almost daily medley of acts of all genres. This year's line-up includes Kathryn Joseph, Auntie Flo, Thumpasaurus, Deafheaven, Buck Meek, Optimo Espacio and more.
No Love Songs
Traverse Theatre, 3-27 Aug (not 7, 14, 21), times vary
A new gig-theatre show – inspired by Kyle Falconer of The View and his partner Laura Wilde – tells the brave and deeply personal story of love, new parenthood and post-natal depression. Featuring songs from Falconer's 2021 solo album, No Love Songs For Laura.
OSCAR at The Crown
Assembly George Square, 2-27 Aug (not 16, 23), 9.40pm
An immersive nightclub musical by Neon Coven detailing the rise and fall of one of history's most flamboyant characters, featuring sequins, reality TV and a minor character from The O.C.
Songs from the Last Page
Scottish Storytelling Centre, 14-18 Aug, times vary
Acclaimed composer and songwriter Gareth Williams presents a show in which he lyrically transforms iconic final pages from Scottish fiction into brand-new 'literary chamber pop' songs.