Hot Dub Time Machine is a fantastic idea: a tour of 20th (and a little 21st) century pop-musical history, beginning in the 1950s and climaxing in 2013. The 50s, 60s and 70s are all about working the crowd, getting some drinks in – maybe a Smirnoff Ice because it’s retro and it’s gonna be the naughties soon and you’re gonna want to be sufficiently hyped so you can scream ‘WHAT’S YOUR ZODIAC SIGN’ during Fatman Scoop. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone but, guys, something amazing happens during "99 Luftballons."
Experiencing a club night this fun in the grand surroundings of McEwan hall is also a real treat. Former students of Edinburgh University will enjoy the novelty of almost vomiting where they graduated, while Fringe visitors will enjoy that the price tag is affording them some well-earned respite from hundreds and thousands of youth theatre companies.
The star of the show is DJ Tom Loud, our dear leader, who crucially knows when to move on before a song gets boring and who is at all times just about to set off a cannon of ticker tape. He’s created a really fantastic night here, he’s mixing it all flawlessly and the videos that play on the big screens give you something interesting to look at when watching one of your pals mouthing all of the words to New Kids on the Block’s "You Got It (The Right Stuff)" gets a little too much. A great night out, guaranteed.