Many of us took piano lessons when we were young, only to become disinterested and give up before progressing past 'Chopsticks'. What a shame that tinkling the ivories can’t always be as much fun as this prodigiously talented twosome make it look.
Both Steven Worbey and Kevin Farrell are classically trained products of the Royal College of Music. Having turned their backs on the more staid elements of the profession to perform musical comedy, they now specialise in piano duets which see the two of them huddled around one instrument.
With a camera trained on the keyboard, a large screen above the stage gives the audience a bird’s eye view of the action as the duo launch into a selection of television and film themes, classical favourites and popular standards.
Whether playing complex medleys or hammering out 'Für Elise' while mixing the perfect cocktail, their hands are often a blur, such is the extent of their phenomenal dexterity. At some points it’s like a piano-playing orgy, with no real way of telling whose hands are whose as they overlap, swap positions and trade notes at amazing speed.
The music is interspersed with good-natured banter, amiable audience participation and a couple of film fillers.
It’s the perfect variety performance in many ways and feels more music hall than Fringe. The old-fashioned and gentle nature of the set is not unpleasant but an hour is slightly too long for what is, essentially, a very good novelty act.