WLTM men above the age of consent

Desperation may be setting in, as Andi Osho finds chancing teenagers her most common suitors

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 16 Aug 2011
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Something makes me think I might be self-sabotaging my attempt to meet a guy I might be attracted to. Maybe it's something to do with how I'm going about acquiring these dates, but I seem to be getting an awful lot of teenage boys chancing their luck. Yesterday 14-year-old Kai threw his hand up when I asked if anyone wanted to go on a date. Now, I know Scottish law is different but I don't think its that different. I agreed, hoping that a responsible adult would be with him, but as it was he stood me up. Phew.

Then, on Sunday night, I saw a cute guy in the crowd and thought "finally!", but when it came to reciting my poem at the end of the show, I ended up having a little cry. Not a wailing, Middle Eastern widow type of cry, but... I don't know, something in the words of the poem got to me (it's about what type of guys to avoid and what to go for).

After that, I assumed that no bloke would want to take a weeping girl on first date so I abandoned the idea. What a shame. He was a looker as well. Though during the show he'd almost lost me when, in response to me asking what he was doing at the festival, he replied "I'm here to see Russell Kane." Thanks, I remember thinking. That's the way to win a girl over.

We're now into week three and I haven't met anyone who's even close to being a realistic proposition. Remind me, when is it I start considering married men, pensioners and women?