Vinegar Knickers

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
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Published 17 Aug 2012

Some of the sketches from sparky all-female comedy trio Vinegar Knickers are witty and inventive, displaying a good eye for the comic juxtaposition. A Facebook take-off in which a group of nineteenth-century women hang knitted messages on the walls of houses is particularly delightful. Others, such as a running joke about a Jewish Grandmother with a tendresse for Hitler, stretch thin material too far. Thankfully a goodish half of the sketches belong to the former category and even the weakest of the sketches are leavened by flashes of quirky humour.

The show would benefit from abandoning the meta-fictional framing narrative (three female comediennes trying to think up edgy material) used to glue the sketches together. As well as getting repetitive, the frame acts like a sort of comic sleeping-policeman, slowing the pace of the show to a crawl.

If the trio are not yet as sharp as their name would suggest, their material has at least some sort of tangy freshness and may be well worth tasting in the future.