Improvised comedy is always going to be hit or miss. Unfortunately the Beau Zeaux on this particular night are not firing on all cylinders.
After very quick introductions the five person team launches into the show. To prove it’s improvised the audience are asked to give suggestions to get the ball rolling. In this case a grandfather clock is chosen as the item to focus on. One member then nips off stage to find a microphone and stays there to narrate unseen and to prompt the performers on stage into strange positions and funny conversation. They then take turns at acting out short scenes that build up the story
It could be hilarious. Everyone on stage is willing. Unfortunately the whole show is littered with massive pauses and uncertainty. Too often there is silence when the narrator and the current performer are conversing and no one knows exactly whose turn it is to speak. Scenes that add to the rocky story don’t really contain any comedy – although they do manage to make the grandfather clock an integral part of the tale. The lights come down between each scene for a rearranging of the few stools and chairs they use for props. During these dark moments the audience politely clap while waiting to see what will happen next. Nothing terribly funny does.
The cast enjoys it more than the audience, the biggest and loudest laughs coming from them as they sit at the side waiting their turn in what is a disappointing hour.