I think one of the biggest perks of performing is that sometimes I get the chance to go and perform at festivals – the novelty of getting a free ticket is something that never loses its magic for me. Below are some tracks I have really enjoyed when at festivals over the years.
Elbow – Scattered Black and Whites
The first time I ever got booked to do a festival was in 2012 when I did a set in the poetry tent at Latitude. I had been working in an art shop for three years as a stock room assistant and doing gigs at night time. I tried to book the time off to go to perform at the festival, it wasn’t possible due to the schedule so that gave me the reason to quit that job and commit to performing full time.
Elbow were headlining that year, Guy Garvey for me is one of the best writers of words in the country/world. They played this song and I remember being really pleased I made the decision to commit to being a writer.
Rudimental – Not Giving In
In 2014 I was the Glastonbury Poet in Residence – which I was really pleased to get to do but it is a lot of writing and it just so happened I didn’t know anyone who was going that year. Therefore, I was at Glastonbury on my own. It’s an interesting experience as a solo punter. It very much felt like a work trip and when Rudimental played this song, its blatant message got through to me. Don’t give up.
Chic – Good Times
This was the first time I got to perform at Bestival. Getting the ferry over, unsure of what the gig was going to be like. I was doing a set in Scroobius Pip’s Lizard Lounge, people climbing up in the trees to see Scroobius Pip introduce a poetry line-up. It was the biggest crowd I’d ever done a gig to. On the Sunday, Chic were on before Elton John and I remember it being a really good time.
Brythoniaid Welsh Male Voice Choir
I think Festival Number 6 has got to hold the award for best festival setting. Seeing the choir perform a cover of this Rag n Bone Man song in the piazza of Portmeirion in Wales is something I’ll remember for a long, long time. Such power in that performance. Welsh people crying everywhere.
BCUC –Yinde
This is one of the best memories I have from End of The Road Festival. I’d never heard of BCUC before but their set turned into some sort of live exercise class with everyone in the main stage crowd dancing in a really unique way. The band’s energy was immense. If you ever see their name on a festival line-up go and see them and get ready to take most of your clothes off.
Gruff Rhys – Candylion
I went to see Gruff Rhys do a solo show in the Pleasance at Edinburgh and loved it big time. I’ve liked the Super Furry Animals for a long time but this felt quite unique, seeing a total music legend navigating the madness of the Edinburgh Fringe. I saw him in the street the day after and as politely as I could gave him a flyer to my Hair Show. He actually came to it which was a real festival highlight for me.
The Clancy Brothers – Will Ye Go, Lassie, Go?
When at the Edinburgh Fringe, I like going to a bar where the locals play live music. Once when I was in there, two older guys started playing this song and everyone around me started singing really gently. The memory of it will stick with me for a very long time.
Lankum – The Young People
Last year I went to see Lankum as part of the Edinburgh International Festival. It was at a stage in the festival where I really needed to see something that wasn’t comedy. Seeing Lankum perform this song really helped me get through last year’s festival.