Review: Lou Wall: The Bisexual's Lament

High energy show with unapologetic silliness

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
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Lou Wall
Photo by Monica Pronk
Published 05 Aug 2024

Following a year of professional success and personal disaster, Lou Wall takes comfort in Powerpoint, internet memes and musical comedy. The Bisexual’s Lament is a high-energy, glorious rebound with unapologetic silliness by a digital native.

Wall flippantly suggests that they're the “first ever comedian to write about heartbreak” and proceeds to address the event by working their way through a list of what got them through it. Much of it comes from the internet, where Wall's made good money selling their voice and marvelling at the weird and wonderful.

In a way, the show is the internet; words, images and sounds coming hard and fast on the screens behind them, with little time to digest what’s happening. And while the online world offers distraction from real life, they also have some cracking you-couldn’t-make-it-up stories of their own, involving the weirdest exchange on Facebook Marketplace imaginable, and outright war with a greedy landlord.

Too many shows are trauma dumps with comedy as light relief, while The Bisexual’s Lament is the opposite. Wall briefly addresses a serious assault, but doesn’t want to dwell on it, and when they say that they're fine, they're convincing. They may laugh in the face of the old saying ‘tragedy plus time make comedy’ but simultaneously proves it to be true, because this is a hoot of a show.