Perfect Day: Erin Farrington

The Fringe can be stressful, it can be strange and overwhelming but there is one sure fire way to get exactly what you want from the experience: Manifesting.

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 3 minutes
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Erin Farrington
Photo by Heather Pasquazzi
Published 09 Aug 2024

Manifesting may sound easy – “just think right and things will go right” and I’m here to tell you: IT IS JUST THAT SIMPLE. With almost no work required, you can have the exact future you want by asking the universe to provide and if you do it right, the sun and the stars will give you anything. Though the actual secrets of manifestation will only be shared through my seminar (trade secrets and such), I can give you some examples of how I made the perfect day at Fringe though manifestation.


I wake to a bird perched on my window singing me the song of positive thinking. (I opened my window on a whim when I first got here and now it does not close, animals seem to find me comforting. I’m grateful that today it is just a bird, and I am not visited by the raccoon that frequents my laundry basket). I reach to my bedside table for my solid amethyst water bottle and sip natural spring water straight from the crystal. The bottle being solid crystal is deceivingly heavy and slips from my hands shattering and waking up my flatmates. Uh oh! Looks like the universe wants everyone to be awake, something good must be on its way!!


Meditation hour. Today I have to sit on my bed though I usually sit on the hard floor but because my space is covered in shattered purple rock, I get the comfort of a beautiful duvet I manifested by purchasing from an Aldi… hmm how could things get any better!!!


The universe demands I go to a coffee shop for breakfast. I know this because when I go to have my usual morning cup of tea, I notice my roommates have used all my milk leaving a note that reads “stop burning incense while you sleep, had to use this to put out a small fire you started in the living room”. So, off to the café down the street, the stars are sending me something (or someone) wonderful, of this I am SURE!


Openly repeating my mantra out loud to myself has earned me a meeting with several concerned (or inspired) citizens on the street. As I rock back and forth softly whispering “everything will be mine” – my mantra of the day – I meet a lovely police officer who offers to escort me the rest of the way to the Pleasance Courtyard in exchange for taking a copy of my fingerprints and a quick psych evaluation!! Free mental health services and a ride?! The universe is definitely on my side!!!


As someone atuned to nature and the spirit that flows through us all, I do not use paper flyers as they were once trees. So, I spend my time flyering with the shattered pieces of my water bottle and reading tarot cards of passersby to see if my show is in their future. 


Finally it’s time to share my secrets with the public. Healing spiritually is difficult for some but not for me. I love to share my gift and it’s hard not to get people on board once they hear about my ideal lifestyle. 

That’s my perfect day! Remember some crystals are just rocks, pick one up off the ground and picture a life that is perfect for you!