Hedgehogs off to Oyster Eyes for deciding on a style, and furiously committing to it. No, that wasn't a typo, but a non-sequitur. Something the foursome have latched onto and are, quite frankly, proceeding to pound their audience over the head with.
This is loud, fast, energetically performed and very silly stuff. Saying it's too silly would be like pointing out Richard Herring shouldn't talk so much about cocks; they've made their choice, and that's that. If you like it, you like it. If it's not your thing, then prepare for a painful hour.
Out-of-context gags have been kind to Fringe shows over the years but it's another thing altogether when every line is left-field and every phrase is a self contained joke. There's nothing to latch on to and it doesn't help that, while there are some nice concepts there's also far too much reliance on cheap laughs. As in, people shitting themselves, wearing wigs and then shitting themselves again. A Chicago spoof is refreshing (finally something we can recognise as normal) and particularly well-executed, before descending into unnecessary cheapness once more. The lowpoint comes early—a skit on polygamy where volume and looking weird are substitutes for humour—and it's difficult to get back in once you've been lost. Also, putting a man in a dress and having him stare and shout non-sequiturs is about as lazy as comedy gets.
However, a good three quarters of the foursome give good performances and much of the audience had a bloody riot. Why not take a gamble and see which side you fall on?