We considered awarding One Man Braking Bad an additional star for the sole reason that Miles Allen is very good at voices. Otherwise, Allen's is a painful hour of dated celebrity jokes and surface-skimming observations on Vince Gilligan's cult series which manages to side-step any of Breaking Bad's own dynamism – the kind that is ideal for comedy.
He smatters his show with lazy pop-culture quips (Kim Kardashian, Charlie Sheen), tacked-on references to British culture which feel Wikipedia-ed (Ed Milliband, Irn Bru), and disjointed celebrity impressions. Bill Cosby. Family Guy characters. Fat Bastard. Yes. Fat Bastard.
Allen does Walt Jr's cerebral palsy voice within the show's first forty seconds. Gustavo Fring cries to his archnemesis Hector Salamanca "Twenty years ago you killed my gay lover!" (In the series [SPOILER], Salamanca murdered Fring's brother – it's a cruicial reveal in the villain's arc). At one point, bringing up the destruction Walter White has caused, Allen breaks into 'Wrecking Ball' by Miley Cyrus – the chorus done in Walt Jr's voice, of course.
Allen seems to have, against all odds, missed out on any of Breaking Bad's addictive magic or subtle horror, the kind which has convinced many (this critic included) that it was the the single greatest television series of all time. And these more subtle observations are perfect for the kind of skewing that we'd all hoped for while queuing round St Andrew's Square Gardens. Instead we got a frat boy who does a mean Fat Bastard.