
Funny from start to finish

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 21 Aug 2011
33328 large
100487 original

NewsRevue is back with a vengeance. Restoring the balance, this hour-long song and sketch show continues the much needed public service it has provided since 1979: lampooning those with power and privilege through the medium of merciless satire. No one who has been in the public eye over the past year is safe from criticism, and politicians and celebrities alike come under fire in a fast-paced barrage of sketches which are the antithesis of political correctness and the exemplar of hilarity.

Judging by the gleeful reaction of the NewsRevue audience to the public figure pogrom laid on for their viewing delectation, if success doesn’t breed contempt it certainly breeds a strong desire to see those who’ve "made it" being symbolically skewered on stage. For the most part however, those subjected to ridicule through skilfully crafted skits more than deserve their fate, and to the audience’s great pleasure, the likes of Silvio Berlusconi, Colonel Gadhafi, Nick Clegg and Rebekah Brooks get a thorough roasting.

It's certainly vulgar at times, but this is no bad thing. The odd sketch about Jordan bringing out a new flavour of Walkers inspired by the taste of her vagina (best of luck with that advert Mr Lineker) is funny precisely because it's so base. In the main however, the sketches are far from obvious and well-devised musical numbers featuring bastardised versions of pop songs make socially astute observations which resonate well with the audience.

Well written and well delivered, this year’s NewsRevue demonstrates the consistency it may have lacked in previous years, and is funny from start to finish.