It's almost certainly not what he's angling for, but it's hard not to feel a bit of sympathy for Jesse Adams. One half of audio-visual team McQueen, Adams is on his own this Fringe after his partner Timothy Oakley pulled out (for pretty sad and entirely forgivable reasons). The result is an attempt to steer an already unwieldy ship single-handedly. One can't help but sense that Adams, too, knows it's an attempt doomed to failure.
What we get is a sort of hi-tech, low-fi assortment of video skits, which Adams manipulates rather deftly in real time using a midi keyboard and effects pedal. To call these plain surreal is to do a disservice to the imaginativeness of some of the video lovelies: the magic carrot with rainbows in his eyes ("he's got a dragonfly"), for instance. Or episodes of The Fox Show in which a thoroughly genteel fox accuses Jason Statham of being a one-dimensional actor.
That sort of thing, yeah? But that level of bonkers probably needs to be delivered with maniacal levels of confidence and energy to give it a chance of sticking. On his own at least, Adams can't deliver that – and he seems to know it. "I know. Fucking nonsense," he only half laughs after one flight of fancy. Poor guy: his 11pm slot means he has all day to look forward to a nightly death. For his sake and ours, he keeps it to a quick 40 minutes.