Matt Forde: Eyes to the Right, Nose to the Left

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
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Published 17 Aug 2012

The awkward vigour with which Matt Forde removes his microphone from its stand sets the tone for the clumsily enthusiastic meditation on politics that is Eyes to the Right, Nose to the Left. Unfocussed and lacking structure, the comedian's latest effort is never less than charming. Though he waxes lyrical on issues that affect us all, this also managed to be an endearingly personal work.

Forde is a self-described Blairite and spends parts of his new show recapping the highlights of last year. He speaks of the former Prime Minister with sincere admiration and explains his awkward relationship with the inadequate Ed Miliband. The importance of spectacle in politics is then chewed over, the performer sweating profusely as he recalls Blair's achievements in this department. New routines, meanwhile, concern the Labour Party member's undercover infiltration of a Tory conference and the abuse he's suffered at the hands of a feral public throughout his time working in radio.

Throughout the hour, Forde strikes a perfect balance between his roles as persuasive commentator and loveable buffoon. He can be unflinchingly self-deprecating but we take him seriously whenever his material asks that we do so. His views, particularly those concerning recent foreign policy, may be unpalatable to many, but the performer always comes across as well informed and even handed. This is not the cerebral and satirical show that some may expect, but its star has plenty of original insights into what it means to follow politics and makes for fine company.