Lucy Porter: People Person

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 03 Aug 2012

It’s two years, one husband, and two children ago that the elfin darling of the comedy world, Lucy Porter, last leapt on to a Fringe stage. For her return she’s chosen the adult, fuss-free venue of The Stand, somewhere comics often go to be taken seriously.

Inevitably childbirth has changed the 39 year-old's priorities, but—despite worrying that being a comedian has not prepared her well for post-pregnant human interaction—Porter remains resolutely upbeat. She’s not so serious that she’s lost her sense of the more frivolous things in life, including her enthusiasm for her daughter’s caterpillar toy.

Thankfully, this is not a show that dwells on the wonder of children – far from it. Overcoming a desire to put people down in everyday situations (especially those who go gooey at the sight of her pregnant belly) as if they're hecklers at a club, Porter sets about the task of shaking off the lures of daytime TV and the all too revealing reviews of products on the Argos website. The consequent task of finding new friends to get her out of the house reaps unwitting and unintended results, and provides a super ending that seals up all the steady and warm goodwill she has generated in the previous fifty minutes of her show.

People Person is a steady return to form for a comedian who has barely missed a Fringe since her career started. It’s more than likely that the mainstream venues still offer Porter her best audiences, and the theme of her next show will no doubt be made with this demographic choice in mind.