Lee Camp: Yet Another American Mistake

Thought-provoking and searingly sharp observations on the decline of America

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
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39658 original
Published 21 Aug 2011
33331 large
102793 original

Lee Camp is good at ranting. Instead of merely railing against the corporations, obesity and stupidity of America, he rails against the corporations, obesity and stupidity of America interspersed with "crowd pleasers" he's written in a notepad. Every time things start to get heavy, he provides a neutral one-liner or observation to unite the room once more.

And yes, it does get a bit heavy. In fact, somewhere between the death penalty and the Pentagon spending nearly a million dollars on researching a "gay bomb", you begin to wish Camp would just talk about ponies. But this isn't just another senseless hour of USA-bashing, it's an hour of well constructed and often unpredictable material. You think nothing of interest can be said about America's weight problem? Well, Camp has a solution, highlighted by a video of him suggesting it to members of the American public. It's one of four videos that break up the diatribes and give some light relief, with Camp pointing the finger at sweatshops and Fox News before moving swiftly onto the death penalty.

However, despite the unpredictable nature of his vitriol, there is only so much one can take before the whole thing becomes a bit weighty for standup at midnight. This is not Camp's fault, but the late timing does affect the response. This is perhaps one to avoid just before a night out, but if you're up for some thought-provoking and searingly sharp observations on the decline of America, this comes highly recommended.