Künt and the Gang - Free

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
Published 09 Aug 2011
33332 large
115270 original

From the opening 'Chips or Tits?' to 'Let's Send Nan to Dignitas' and right through to the closer 'I Sucked Off a Bloke', Künt starts off in the gutter and stays there throughout. His loyal following show their appreciation, but many others sit in stony-faced silence through the tide of feeble knob jokes. There are some genuinely funny and clever lines—the detumescent effect of seeing Jade Goody's mum on TV in 'My Erection', for example—but these are few and far between. If puerile is what you're after, Künt does it as well as can be expected. But given what else the Fringe has to offer, even then it would seem a waste of time.