Juliet Meyers: Through The Pigeonhole

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 09 Aug 2015

With so many generic terms flying about, charged with subtexts, the idea of stepping out of your pigeon-hole to be heard is a loaded one for Juliet Meyers to explore.

Meyers recounts the question constantly put to her; "Where are you from?" Her own racial heritage is used against her in dinner party conspiracies to put her into a neat little box. Through The Pigeon-hole is Meyer's own history as an outsider, using neat, comical examples that include an account of her school's patronising emphasis on "diversity", and pompous friends mis-labelling themselves.

Her tales are peppered with astute observations about social exclusion and belonging, but really this is about her life and kicking against the box she's been trying to stay out of for years.

With a Jewish and Iraqi ethnicity, a world that sees her as a childless adult woman, and as a comic with a degree in feminism, there are many categories Meyer is doing her best to avoid being shoved into. She's passionate about being seen not as the sum of her parts. Sometimes the comedy is a bit more heavy-handed than others, but when she throws in a line about berating a friend when he complains of musical exclusion the comic ideas shine.

Meyer is smart and funny as she grapples in her own way with a battle we all relate to. Now there are some labels she might accept.