Jessica Fostekew: Luxury Tramp

A strong message from a promising performer

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
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Published 21 Aug 2011
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Jessica Fostekew is a walking contradiction. The kind of girl who will model battered bargain-bin clothing but wear only the most extravagant perfumes; the posh girl from the Home Counties who is at ease with the dodgier parts of London. She is, in her own words, a "luxury tramp".

Fostekew is a hugely engaging presence and there's something reassuringly honest about her gently feminist humour. Indeed, her message that women shouldn't feel so pressured into being something they're not in order to conform to various social expectations taps into the very right-on mantra of Caitlin Moran's bestselling How to Be A Woman. It may be a little twee and hackneyed, but it's a message that doesn't seem to be getting enough of an airing in a pop culture world still marred by profoundly misogynistic music videos.

It should be said that while this is a very solid hour from an incredibly likeable performer, Luxury Tramp isn't ever uproariously, laugh-out-loud funny. Instead, the conversational tone lends itself to a more intimate, story-based setup that can be quite captivating at times. Fostekew is a genuinely charming performer, weaving tales of adolescent mischief, distributing handmade fans so that we don't roast to death in the tiny venue and shaking our hands as we leave. Nevertheless, it might take a little more honing and sharpening of her jokes before she can hope to become a true Fringe highlight.