Fringe Dog meets Hannah Gadsby

The canine correspondent meets the Edinburgh Comedy Award winner and their dog Nuna

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 3 minutes
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Hannah Gadsby
Photo by Mia Mala McDonald
Published 08 Aug 2024

hello hannah !!! howl we have missed you in edinburgh!!! your show title 'woof!' is the greatest show title in the 77-year history of the fringe. fact! was there a special dog who inspired this choice? 

Why thank you... I suppose you could say it was inspired by many dogs... a dog of pet-mas past, a dog of pet-mas present, and a dog of pet-mas what-is-going-on-in-the-world-have-we-all-lost-our-minds. Woof. 

tell me about your dog and have dogs always been a big part of your life?

My dog's name is Nuna, they are a lagotto. Very smart, very chatty, a real fraidy cat, pardon the expression. My best friend when I was a kid was my dog, Ronnie Barker, and my best friend as an adult was my dog, Douglas. So, a (series of) dog(s) is definitely this guy's best friend(s)...

Fringe Dog illustration by Lauren Hunter

i think i started looking at art because of your shows hannah!!! my favourite painting is 'dynamism of dog on a leash' by giacomo balla -it seems to move just like real walkies !!! what is your favourite picture of a dog in the history of art ???

I have the 'dynamism' image on my wall! Well, a printout, not the real thing. Gosh. My favourite dog art is the cat at the feet of Manet's Olympia. Because you just assume that cat has just seen a dog. 

i understand you recently grew four species of potato !!! (can't even make one peanut butter and banana sandwich grow at my allotment!). when did you start to cultivate a love of gardening and does your dog join you outdoors?

Dirt has always called to me, but I really got into it when I had my own little yard for the first time. Or maybe as a young adult doing itinerant farm work. No, probably the yard thing. I'm lazy. Nuna loves dirt too, so they are always with me in the garden. Usually digging up whatever I've just planted.

Nuna, image courtesy of the artist

i love gender agenda on netflix !!! do you think comedy is in a better kennel, more open to lots of voices, than when you started stand-up ??

Why thank you, again! I certainly recognise a much greater diversity of voices on the scene now, which makes the comedy kennel so much richer...but there might be a bit of a backlash brewing. Again...woof.

what shows would your dog recommend at the fringe this august ??

I saw some great shows at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival this year that are coming over the Fringe. To name just a very few...Bronwyn Kuss, Zoë Coombs Marr, Oliver Coleman, Sashi Perera, Lou Wall and Lara Ricote will all be a very good time. Plenty to sink your canines into.