A ramshackle and freewheeling affair, Canadian veteran Seán Cullen, of Edinburgh Comedy Award-nominated musical trio Corky and the Juice Pigs, and his regular collaborator Chris Locke, have washed up in Edinburgh with a show that's almost entirely improvised and bobs along on the pair's big-hearted desire to entertain.
With the sliver-thin premise that the two are sailors, in matching marinière tops and traditional naval hats, perhaps decompressing with a bit of shore leave, they riff stories and contrive songs on the guitar and bongos. Naturally, the seafaring context inspires some of their meandering yarns, with daft accounts of mermaids. But otherwise they good-naturedly elicit biographical information from their audience and kick it around between them until a conceit peters out.
On the night I caught them they made a decent fist of having just a handful of people in their front row and an engaged tech who lobbed them a few vocal softballs to bat back and forth. Obviously, the performance would benefit from them having more crowd to launch them on their flights of fantasy. Cullen and Locke possess an easy, knockabout and intuitive chemistry, keep the hour light and nimble on its feet and inclusive of anyone who wants to join in or hold back. Right now, it's an undemanding bit of fun to round off an evening but the pair likely have ambitions to make it more raucous if the numbers pick up.