Candy Gigi: I'm not Lonely

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 12 Aug 2014
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There's not all that much to say about this show, which is odd because lots of things happen in it. Weird things. Candy Gigi grating a doll. Candy Gigi squirting Anchor Thick Spray Cream all over her backcombed hair. Candy Gigi brushing her teeth with a toilet brush and ordering a man in the front row to kiss her. Watching Candy Gigi pretend to breastfeed a huge bunch of parsley, there's a feeling that the punters lined up in this dank cellar would dearly like to be shocked into fits of laughter—that's presumably why they came to the dank cellar in the first place—but the atmosphere doesn't progress beyond polite, encouraging bemusement.

Candy Gigi is a 25-year-old with a deviant grin who looks, in her own words, like a cross between Billy Piper and Amy Winehouse. She says she's from "quite an orthodox family". It would be interesting to know their thoughts about her career: she's unorthodox even by alternative comedy standards. Towards the end of her set she breaks spectacularly into song in a way that suggests a background in musical theatre, but the show is all about her clowning, which is undeniably inventive. Unfortunately the spectacle lacks enough variety to remain interesting.

There's a sense that maybe Gigi is using comedy to work through some personal crisis – she says she does this "to feel sane" and mentions counselling. Meanwhile, a placard on the back wall requests that we please find all this funny. It's a joke, of course, but one that taps into a slightly desperate note that runs through this show.