Ben Target: Imagine There's No Ben Target (It's Easy if You Try)

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 12 Aug 2015
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Are you bored of sitting down at comedy gigs? Tired of comedians standing on stage insisting on being funny? Do you dream of engaging with your fellow audience-members in a team-based sports competition? Need something energetic to wake you up mid-afternoon following a morning of fomulaic Fringe fare? Ben Target might be the thing for you.

It's best to know as little as possible before the show about what you'll be doing and who you'll be doing it with, but suffice to say that the fact that I have size 10 feet put me in the frame for a particular duty until it turned out someone else had size 11s. Being the tallest, or having large hands, might get you tapped on the shoulder too. But none of these tasks are embarrassing or onerous, and the activities undertaken by all serve to bond everyone rather than pick on a victim. Certainly I felt at the end of the show that I knew quite a bit more about the person I happened to be sitting next to.

But what is Target doing in all of this? His ringmaster activities belie considerable activity around geeing everyone along, and the ramshackle nature of the whole is cleary more thought through than appears at first glance. Still, it is an odd feeling to look around you and realise it is the audience that seems to be doing most of the work.

The promo material for the show advises you wear sensible shoes. You have been warned.