Barry Morgan's World of Organs

Barry's cheekily predictable patter is entertaining enough, even as the gag is stretched to breaking point.

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 07 Aug 2012
33328 large
100487 original

Where most successful comedy characters have clear motivations, detailed back stories and consistent behavioural patterns, Australia's Barry Morgan has his one joke. Having realised that the word 'organ' can refer to both musical instruments and penises, he has come to Edinburgh to let us in on the secret. “Do you like my organ?” he asks repeatedly, before reminding the audience that it's important to polish one's organ, lest it should gather dust. The fact that these lines are delivered with a camp intonation really allows their subtleties to come to the fore. You see, just as organ players may wish to prevent their instruments' keys from clogging up with dust, so too may men observe basic genital hygiene. Clever, eh?

Proclaiming his Hammond 1981 Aurora Classic to be the real star of the show, Barry's cheekily predictable patter is entertaining enough, even as the gag is stretched to breaking point. Clad in a polyester safari suit and sporting a bouffant hairstyle, he mugs and minces his way through an hour of organ classics under the pretence that he is showcasing the contraption with a view to selling it. A camera is trained on his hands so that we can admire his mastery of the instrument and laugh at the ostentatious jewellery adorning his fingers. The compositions played are all complex and mostly sound great, but Barry's constant gurning only serves to emphasise the character's limitations.