Axis of Awesome: Cry Yourself a River

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 04 Aug 2012
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There was a time when Axis of Awesome were at the forefront of Fringe originality. But that time was 2008, and, four years later, the trio are something of a disappointment. Still trading on their former success, there is nothing new or exciting to be found in their latest show, Cry Yourself a River, and their apparent reluctance to engage with the zeitgeist is costing them dearly.

Things start off deceptively well, with an amusing number lambasting Game of Thrones fans and the like who fail to read the books of the TV series’ they feign to adore. But then come the rather stale ‘comedic’ interludes between songs, during which the threesome bemoan past criticisms that they are lazy and obvious, and that their dance moves are poor. Sadly, however, all of these jibes ring true, and their attempts at parodying these critiques only add to the distinct lack of innovation in the show. The lazy, obvious comedy which the band so vehemently malign would be welcome here if performed to perfection, but Axis of Awesome do not have the musical flair to offset the tedium of their lyrics.

When the band start finally tapping into pop culture again in the latter half of the act, things take a turn for the better, and a number pointing out the ubiquitous elements of contemporary dance tracks is reminiscent of their earlier, better work. But they finish off with their signature track from ‘08, which only serves to reinforce the impression that their best years seem to be behind them.