Ahir Shah: Astrology

Comedy written in the stars.

comedy review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 14 Aug 2011
33328 large
115270 original

This fascinating but flawed debut solo Fringe appearance from 21-year-old Ahir Shah marks him out as one to watch in future years.

The title of the show refers to the janmaakshar—or Hindu astrological forecast—ordered by his parents when Shah was born. The reading was partly responsibly for giving him his name and purported to determine what life had to hold in the future – from character traits to career choices.

Shah uses this premise to explore the part fate plays—or doesn’t play—in our lives. What if he had been called something else? he wonders. Would his life have gone in a different direction?

Shah has got the mechanics and tricks of standup down to a fine art with a slick, impressive style – but this can’t disguise some patchy writing.

Occasionally the references can be a little obscure for those—unlike Shah—not studying politics at Cambridge University. Attempts to chide those baffled by, for example, Iranian politicians seem at best misjudged and at worst arrogant.

The most entertaining parts of the set come when Shah explores his Indian heritage and his relationship with his parents. There is also an impressive extended riff about internet pornography which challenges and confronts while avoiding the usual well-worn paths forged by so many other comedians.

The overall impression is one of a performer close to brilliance but who needs to hone his material. Shah is never less than interesting but doesn’t always have the jokes to back up his obvious ambition.