Garage Party is named after the legendary Maori garage party get togethers, a central part of their cultural and musical legacy. The New Zealand four piece celebrate life, love, family and friends through music, stories and comedy. The formula isn't hard to grasp: you get a bunch of friends together to have a drink, play music and share a joke.
The party atmosphere flows out from the stage and through the audience, who are encouraged to grab a drink and sing along. To start with, Modern Maori Quartet volley a quickfire medley of all your favourite songs. After a few rounds, a new rule is introduced in the form of a drinking game. When you're pointed at, you must start a new song, freeze and you’ll be downing your drink. A low stakes affair, Garage Party is a relaxing way to end an evening at the Fringe. Modern Maori Quartet are natural entertainers and raconteurs. They know how to hold a crowd, even in this loose format. Well planned, the addition of a special guest each night makes it harder for the formula to grow stale. The band enjoy playing as much as we enjoy listening, having a sing-along and being engrossed by the chilled out atmosphere.