She is the lovechild of Kate Bush and Tim Minchin – the intelligence of his rhyme with the range of her vocals. But Anya Anastasia is looking for her own kind of perfect love, the one that eventually comes back to herself. Rogue Romantic is a two-way seduction with operatic levels of frantic energy.
Anastasia’s vocals are of diva proportions, complete with effortless control throughout her entire, extensive range. She’s seductive and sultry in every song, but initially awkward speaking in between. Then, after the unexpected (and unwelcome) “apocalypso” interlude, she literally limbers up. Upside down in an audience member’s lap, she orders him to remove her undergarments. This is the one image that best captures the high-octane energy of the show.
After this, the connection between Anastasia and her spectators galvanises the evening. Participants play the piano through her outspread legs. She sings personal, uncomfortable love songs and watches as the individuals squirm and wither under her gaze. Everything is tinged with the beauty of a minor key and all its delicious sadness.
Supported by an all-female alt band, Anastasia skips through a number of different musical genres. It’s a muddled choice of inspirations, but she shows off her musicality and impressively executes every note with precision and poise. In the end, it’s the openness of her lovers that spirals Anastasia into insanity – complete with individuality, ingenuity and intelligence. Rogue Romantic leaves its melodious mark and Anastasia has nothing more to say.