Tony! The Blair Musical

An entertaining journey through the Blair years with some hilarious musical numbers

archive review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 07 Aug 2007
33328 large
39658 original

“10 years of Labour rule in one hour” this musical proudly declares, and what better way could you hope to experience all that again? Yet Tony Blair and his hapless gang of supporting cronies have been let off lightly in this show, which prefers outrageous camp over serious satire. And given that Blair presided over an intensely controversial 10 years of government you would expect the job of satirising the New Labour years to be almost obscenely easy, not to mention sorely deserving.

As a piece of theatre it's an entertaining journey through the Blair years with some hilarious musical numbers – not least any of the Cherie-Tony duets and the knockout ex-Tory leaders' barbershop quartet – but as a political comedy it feels sorely lacking. The Iraq war and its scandalous build up is scarcely even mentioned despite being the defining event of Blair's partnership, while Tony's minor heart palpatations receive an entire scene in what is, after all, 10 years in one hour. For such an outrageously over-the-top comedy – it's almost worth it just for Tony singing “I'm Evita Peron” over and over - you can't help but leave just wishing they'd stuck the knife in a little bit more.