The Big Pitch: The Bacchae

Bob and Bob are sitting in a darkened room.  For the last five years, Black and White Rainbow haven't been doing so well.  With attendances at a...

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 18 Aug 2007
33328 large
121329 original

Bob and Bob are sitting in a darkened room.  For the last five years, Black and White Rainbow haven't been doing so well.  With attendances at a static six-per-night (family and friends of the cast), drastic action was needed to bring in the crowds.

""Bob, drastic action is needed to bring in the crowds.""

""You're right, Bob.  The last few years have been rubbish.  I don't understand how bankers such as Cunt: The Musical, Me and My Mangina, John Major: An Indepth Exploration of the Man, the Myth, the Legend and Oh Fuck! It's Tuesday attracted so few punters.  We need a cunning plan.""

""A cunning plan indeed, Bob.  That's what we need.  I say, if only we could be as popular as that Bacchae thing-er-mee-jig.  The punters seem to love that.""

""I say, Bob, if only there was a way of capitalising on the success of The Bacchae then we'd have a hit on our hands.""

""You're right Bob. But how?""

""I've got it, Bob.  We put on a production of The Bacchae ourselves!  The punters will flock to that.""

""Excellent, Bob.  We'll trick the fuckers.  Those American's won't know the difference.  'It's so cultural,' they'll say.  They'll both be shit, no-one could tell the difference.""

""What about all the expensive pyrotechnics?  How will we compete?""

""We'll have a bonfire or something.  This plan can't possibly fail...""ÂÂ