The Big Pitch: <em>Jihad: The Musical</em>

""Oh my gawd, isn't Jihad just sooo hot right now!?"". Some folks, they say, have more money than sense. In the case of Jihad the Musical, a tuneful ...

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
Published 04 Aug 2007
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""Oh my gawd, isn't Jihad just sooo hot right now!?"". Some folks, they say, have more money than sense. In the case of Jihad the Musical, a tuneful exploration of the nuances of being a cave dwelling international terrorist, this balance has been strangely reversed. True, a musical about terror sounds like something three slack jawed yokels would think up in between shooting cans. But like Fascism, the A bomb and James Blunt, some of the most brain putrefying ideas continue to enjoy a brief time in the sun. The concept behind JTM may be stupider than a lobotomized Jade Goody but after the flailing arm farrago made in newspapers in recent weeks, the show might just have hit the jackpot. Indeed, with righteous indignation at the show coming along so soon after a man set himself on fire and receive a gonad bashing for his trouble, the show has generated free publicity quicker than you could say Osama. With all that fuss, lets hope for the producer's sake at least, it doesn't bomb.